
The Wakefield Risk and Resilience Framework is designed for practitioners working with children and young people in the Wakefield District.

The purpose of the framework is to help reduce the risk of poor outcomes and increase their resilience, in doing-so this will improve health, educational and social outcomes for children and young people.

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About The Wakefield Risk and Resilience Framework

Resilience is about promoting child development. The Wakefield Risk and Resilience Framework website supports practitioners to help children and young people to develop healthy, social and emotional skills that are transferable throughout the course of life. These skills increase the ability and protective factors that allow children to manage difficult situations, feelings and experiences, moving on with confidence and being optimistic about their future.

The framework has a number of supporting tools including an online questionnaire and a trauma-responsive conversation tool; which help to identify protective factors as well as areas to build or overcome to reduce poor outcomes. The competences from within the framework can be used to create a bespoke questionnaire to support an Early Help or Health Needs assessment. The Wakefield Risk and Resilience Framework compliments any assessment process.

Alongside the framework, there are ‘Resource’ and ‘Education Support’ areas where you can explore a selection of evidence based session plans and short interventions. These motivate and help develop the practical skills and protective factors that children and young people need to be resilient.

To access the website you will need to register and your account will be activated within two working days.

» About The Wakefield Risk and Resilience Framework
» WF-I Can